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Social Media Flyers are crucial when it comes to promoting and marketing your business and products. They also help promote upcoming events.


Please remember that too much info can cause your flyer to appear crowded and that quality photos are recommended for the best outcome (NO blurry images).


After purchasing: 

  • Email your flyer info (typed out) to
  • Email a Transparent/PNG file of your logo
  • All photos must be included in the email as well
  • Insert your name in the subject line

Need it rushed?

  • Go and purchase the rush order after purchasing the flyer and leave the date the flyer is needed in the email

Revisions: You get up to 3 free revisions (a fee is required per additional revision of $7)

Social Media Flyer

  • By purchasing you agree to all terms and conditions stated in regards to turnaround time and refunds.

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